Making sense of cooking

My own cooking journey has followed a twisted path. For most of my life, I dished up conventional fare: stews, spag bols, meat and two veg. There was no flair, no individuality, in my kitchen. I specialised only in the mundane. I had to change.

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Life as a freelancer

Having worked as a freelancer and as a full-time employee, take it from me: the grass isn’t always greener. So if you’re going to strike out on your own, be sure to do it with your eyes open.

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When the Queen visited Ireland

There will be plenty of time in the future to debate issues of privilege, hierarchy and colonial legacy. But it was events such as the Queen’s visit to Ireland visit that most highlighted her diplomacy, seriousness and sense of occasion.

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Why I love reading

I’ve learned a huge amount through books, and they’ve also given me a thirst for more and more knowledge. If you see your whole life as an education, books are the ultimate guide.

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