I’ve gathered together the questions I’m most often asked—by clients, friends, loved ones and members of the general public. Hopefully you’ll find your question answered here, but please get in touch if not.

  • You wouldn’t dream of asking, ‘Why do you need a surgeon?’ or ‘Why do you need a pilot?’ That’s because everyone knows you’d clock their absence if you were flying to New York or needed an operation.

    I can hear the objections. ‘Poor-quality copy isn’t going to kill you!’ That’s true. On the other hand, it could certainly kill your business. Any organisation needs to reach a target audience, and if you neglect your copy, you’re neglecting your primary communication tool.

    Too often, people think that content is something that can be thrown together at the last minute, or given to someone with no writing experience. That’s because good-quality writing looks easy. But anyone who’s tried to communicate something in simple language knows how difficult it is. It takes lots of practice, and it isn’t a job for amateurs.

    That’s where I come in. You concentrate on making your organisation brilliant, and I’ll provide you with sparkling copy to give it the boost it needs.

  • Basically, any kind of content you can imagine. My writing skills range far and wide, so I’m confident I can fulfill your copywriting needs. You can find more details under My Services.

  • There are four stages to the process:

    • We have a no-strings-attached chat about your project.

    • When we’ve agreed a deadline and fee, you pay a 50% deposit and let me get on with it.

    • I submit a draft of my work and we discuss possible amendments.

    • Once you’re totally happy with the copy, you pay the remaining 50% and we’re done!

    This process ensures that both parties are happy and there’s no misunderstanding or miscommunication. Client relationships are my No.1 priority.

  • I’m committed to helping organisations of all shapes and sizes, from charities and start-ups to multinational corporations, so I try to adjust my rates accordingly. I’m neither the cheapest or dearest copywriter out there, but you’ll be paying for a truly professional service.

    What I charge largely depends on:

    • The size of the project.

    • The amount of research involved.

    • How quickly you need it.

    After an initial chat, I can send you a quote based on the above. As a rough guide:

    • Website copywriting: £400 per page, £2,000 per website.

    • Email copywriting: £200 per email, £2,000 per sequence.

    • Blog posts: £200 per post.

    My service includes unlimited revisions, provided it’s not a complete change of direction from your original request! There are no hidden costs or surprises.

  • I’ll do my best to accommodate your timescale, but I guarantee one thing: I’ll never make false promises or break agreed deadlines. If a project requires a quick turnaround, I’ll only commit to doing so if my schedule allows it.

  • The subjects I’ve covered most in my writing career are the creative arts, personal development, law, finance and higher education.

    However, as a journalist on a general-interest magazine, my remit extended far further than that. Over the years, I’ve written and edited articles on the following subjects:

    • Arts/culture

    • Food

    • Health

    • Higher education

    • Law

    • Lifestyle

    • Money/finance

    • Personal development

    • Property

    • Technology

    • Travel

    I’ve also done numerous interviews and first-person profiles (you can find examples under My Work). So my specialism really is taking complex subjects of any kind and communicating them simply and directly.